Many businesses are preparing to reopen across the United States. The most important thing on everyone's mind is a clean work environment. Business owners and managers like yourself may be wondering how to disinfect the workplace. Next Level Building Solutions is your best choice for cleaning and disinfecting your facility. We are proudly serving Roanoke, Virginia and the surrounding community.
We provide coronavirus decontamination for facilities. If you or one of your employees tested positive for COVID-19, then you need coronavirus decontamination for the workplace as soon as possible. A business does not want to spread the virus to employees and customers. Next Level Building Solutions decontaminates your workplace to ensure a healthy and safe work environment.
How does COVID-19 Spread?
The coronavirus is a respiratory virus, and this term means infections of COVID-19 spread from droplets such as coughs and sneezes. It is also possible for droplets to land on surfaces such as an employee's desk, computer mouse, and chair. Nearly anything in a workplace can become contaminated if droplets of a person with COVID-19 are on those surfaces.
There are not any current findings of the coronavirus spreading through food. However, you should always take precautions as scientist are still studying the virus. Always wash food and food containers in hydrogen peroxide or white vinegar. You also need to wash your hands when handling food at all times. These precautions remove any bacteria on food.
Cleaning and Disinfecting The Facility
Cleaning and disinfecting your facility is a very important step in reopening your business. It is our moral obligation to prevent the spread of the coronavirus. You, employees, and customers want to be in a clean and safe environment.
Next Level Building Solutions can clean your officers, warehouses, and facilities. It is vital importance to disinfect everyday objects that people use throughout the day. Our disinfectants will disinfect any areas or everyday objects such as gym equipment, desks, doors, doorknobs, etc.

We use only use CDC approved and EPA registered disinfectants. Our staff wears certified personal protective equipment (PPE) and full-face respirator masks at all times to prevent any droplets to spread. We clean our trucks and water-storage units to prevent any possibility of contamination. These standards protect the health and safety of our crew and clients.
Is bleach an effective cleaning agent for the coronavirus disease?
Many people wonder is bleach an effective cleaning agent for the coronavirus disease. The answer is yes for some products. Bleach is effective disinfection against the coronavirus disease. It effectively kills germs and viruses on surfaces for 24 hours. Bleach can be applied to many objects or surfaces to disinfect it.
First, you need to check if a product of bleach is intended for cleaning surfaces. The bleach also needs to be in date before its expiration. Properly dispose of any expired bleached because it is an ineffective cleaner. You also need to wear gloves to protect your skin from the surfaces before the bleach is applied.
Furthermore, never mix bleach with any ammonia or any other cleanser. This mixture can be very dangerous to your health. This mixture of bleach and ammonia creates toxic vapors and these vapors can kill you.
Reopen Your Business
The coronavirus pandemic is a serious matter. Do not take any risk by taking shortcuts. Every business needs to be fully clean inside and outside the business. Call your professionals at Next Level Building for all of your cleaning needs.
Our team at Next Level Building Solutions is committed to providing coronavirus decontamination to the Roanoke Valley. We always strive to give the best service for your cleaning needs. These times are tough moments in our history, and everyone needs to protect themselves by limiting the spread. Next Level Building Solutions is here for our customers during this time. Call us 540-685-1500 to get a free estimate.